To access this page, in the ATTRIBUTES section of the ADMIN module, on the list the shows the available groups of settings, click POINTS.
On this page, you can view the US POINTS list that shows the values of the points that can be selected when estimating the User Stories of the current project.
The US POINTS list has the following columns:
- Name – the display name of a point value; this name appears when selecting points (estimating) for a team that will work on a User Story
- Value – the actual value of a point; this value is used to calculate the total points estimation for a User Story
To view the actions available for an entry on the US POINTS list, position your pointer over a row of the list. These actions are:
- change position – drag-and-drop any row of the list to another position; when you will estimate a User Story, on the list that shows the points that you can select, you will notice that the points are in the order you set here
- edit – to open the edit form on a row of the list and edit the Name and the Value for the User Story points represented by that row, on the right of the Value column, click
; to close the form and save any changes made, on the right of the Value column, click
or click x to close the form without saving
- delete – to delete any row of the US POINTS list, on the right of the Value column, click x; the User Story points represented by that row will no longer be available for User Story estimations
Adding new point
To add a new point for User Story estimations, on the US POINTS list, follow these steps:
- In the top-right of the US POINTS list, click ADD NEW POINT – this action adds a new empty row at the bottom of the US POINTS list.
- On the new row, enter a display name in the empty Name box and a value in the empty box Value box.
- On the right of the Value column, click
Note: To discard adding the new point, on the right of the Value column, click x. - (Optional) Move the new row to another position on the list.