To manage the access rights granted by a role for an element of the current project (Sprints, User Stories, Tasks, Issues, Wiki), go to the manage rights form of that role and then follow these steps:
- To view which actions you can manage (enable or disable) for an element of the project, click the name of that element.
- On the right side of an action, click the current status (green, Yes – enabled, grey, No – disabled).
In addition to managing specific actions for the elements of a project, you can also enable or disable access to User Story estimations. To to this, in the top right corner of the
manage rights form for a role, click the current status for User Story estimation access; when you disable access to User Story estimations, you must confirm your action because any estimations done by members with that role will be removed.
Any actions you enable are automatically allowed for members with that specific role and any actions you disable are automatically prohibited for members with that specific role.